Tesla Relaunches Eap Assisted Driving Service In The US For $6,000

Recently, Tesla re-launched EAP (Enhanced Automated Assisted Driving) in the US for $6000. The EAP is described on Tesla's website as including Automatic Assisted Piloting, Automatic Assisted Lane Change, Automatic Parking, Summoning and Smart Summoning features.

After upgrading FSD Beta in 2019, Tesla then cancelled EAP in the US. Tesla has now re-launched EAP in the US and some time ago Tesla also opened EAP options in Australia, South Korea and Singapore. By way of comparison, the Tesla FSD Beta, currently priced at $12,000, offers stronger and more comprehensive assisted driving features in the US, Canada and elsewhere. Tesla also plans to extend the FSD to the European market this summer.

Tesla EAP

It is understood that Tesla has several assisted driving services: AP, known as Autopilot, is divided into Basic Automated Assisted Driving (BAP) and Enhanced Automated Assisted Driving (EAP), while FSD, known as Full Self-Driving Computer, is also known as Fully Automated Driving.

Tesla BAP, or Basic Automated Driving Assistance, comes with the car and includes Adaptive Cruise Control, Emergency Braking, Blind Spot Monitoring and Lane Keeping Assist.

EAP Enhanced Automated Assisted Driving additions (US $6000) include

Automated Assisted Piloted Driving: Automatically drive onto and off motorway ramps or overpass off-ramps to pass slow-moving vehicles.

Automatic Assisted Lane Change: Automatic assisted lane change on the motorway.

Automatic parking: parallel parking and perpendicular parking.

Smart Call: In the right scenario, a parked car will respond to your call, pull out of the parking space and go to your location.

FSD Full Autopilot function (US $12,000)

Includes all the features of the Basic Assisted Driving and Enhanced Automated Assisted Driving. Later will also support: recognition of and reaction to traffic lights and stop signs; automatic assisted driving in city streets.

The currently available functions require active monitoring by the driver and the vehicle is not yet fully autonomous. The activation and use of these features will require billions of miles of demonstration to achieve reliability well beyond that of human drivers, and will also depend on administrative approval (which may take longer in some jurisdictions). As these autonomous driving features evolve and are refined, the vehicle will continue to be upgraded through OTA over-the-air software updates.

About Author
John Murphy

John Murphy is the founder of TOPCARS Tesla Aftermarket Accessories, as well as an investor in Tesla and owner of the Model Y. He posts about Tesla news while running the site on a daily basis.

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